Thursday, 27 December 2007


Atelier Kunststück präsentiert:


Musik, Kabarett, Video–Animation, Fotografie, Malerei, Fleischwerbung und mehr . . .

Getränke an der Bar von Scherer8

Eintritt frei

18. Januar 2008

20:00 Uhr

Hausprojekt Scherer8
Schererstraße 8
Berlin – Wedding

S/U-Bhf. Wedding (Ring, U6)

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Ordnung Muss Sein!

Am Samstag, dem 18.08. laden Berndte-B und El Fin erstmalig ins Atelier Kunststück zu einem kleinen Kulturevent mit dem Titel "Der Amtsschimmelreiter - Ordnung muss sein". Berndte-B wird einige seiner exquisiten Geschichtchen und Dialoge zum Thema präsentieren. Dazu gibt's auserwählte Musikkonserven kredenzt von El Fin...

Atelier Kunststück
Kinzigstraße 41

(U-Bahn Samariterstraße)

Samstag, 18. August
20:00 Uhr

Saturday, 14 July 2007

"Final Show" Berlin, Spring '07

She doesn’t live under rocks or trees, although she would love to live on a leaf someday…. She is a young artist, fresh off the boat to Berlin, and rapidly making her return home to NYC. The past year has been an exploration for Miss. Morris, into the frontier of art and land development. She looked under rocks and found maps; she searched beyond Straßenbahns and found power lines. She hasn’t lost her zeal for grids, and uncovering the emotional strains that tug at each one of us on a daily basis. In this First/Last show in Berlin: Look deep, and you will find social meaning; Look deep, and you will find a piece of your soul. Hope you enjoy Vanessa Morris’s First Solo-show, First hosting party, First of hopefully many things… But never her Last time in Berlin… Enjoy her year here in the making!


Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Cells, Grids, more...

Elisa D'Arrigo

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Tuesday, 30 January 2007

!Open studio-Kunststück!

Exhibition by studio artists -Jason Benedict/Stefan Ende/Midori Harata/Vanessa Morris/Erik Stolze
!Vernissage 03 Februar 2007 19 Uhr! Exhibition is open 12-20 Uhr till 09 Februar. (except Monday)

Thursday, 11 January 2007